Coming Soon... Tuning forks used for sound therapy to alleviate pain and aggregation.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 147.85 Hertz for the Planet Saturn.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 250.56 Hertz for the SCHUMANN RESONANCE I.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 227.43 Hertz for the Sidereal Month.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 126.22 Hertz for the Sun.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 210.42 Hertz for the Synodical Month.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 207.36 Hertz for the Planet Uranus.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 221.23 Hertz for the Planet Venus.