Coming Soon... Tuning forks used for sound therapy to alleviate pain and aggregation.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 183.58 Hertz for the Planet Jupiter.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 144.72 Hertz for the Planet Mars.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 141.27 Hertz for the Planet Mercury.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 229.22 Hertz for the Metonic Cycle.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 234.16 Hertz for the Moon Node Circle.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 187.61 Hertz for the Moon Culminating Period.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 211.44 Hertz for the Planet Neptune.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 172.06 Hertz for the Platonic Year.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 140.25 Hertz for the Planet Pluto.
Therapeudic tuning fork with a planetary equivalent of 241.56 Hertz for the Saros Period.